Interview with Earthrise CEO

The WarCry Network
September 15, 2008

Please insert yourself and explain your role at Flag.

I'm Atanas Atanasov, CEO of Flag Studios

With several space-themed MMOs on the horizon, how do you feel Earthrise will set itself isolated from the others?

Earthrise has its own unique setting – a hybrid betwixt a Emily Price Post-apocalyptic and bailiwick sci-fi surround. IT is a acquirement-based sandpile spunky with emphasis on PvP, crafting and player-run economic science. The game will put up great deal of exemption, science and item customizations, not seen in other MMOs so far. For example, players can switch affiliation by exercising dependable actions. They can too go wherever they want in the world as long American Samoa they are not criminals. Players bum attack other players even from their own faction. The skill customization will give thousands of options to everyone who wants to innovation the perfect power template. The same goes with the item customization. Crafters can design items with numerous characteristics, which means that IT will be very uncommon to see items that have the same characteristics.


What are Earthrise's most unique features?

Part of the answer was given in the previous questions. In addition I will add the territory conquest, which will be an epic battle for check of the island. Guilds will be capable to conquer territories and build their own headquarters. The offline gameplay is another unique characteristic. IT leave give the possibility for players to generate income while their character is offline.

What have been the highlights in development?

The greatest highlight so uttermost is the development of our own engine. Our horizontal surface and biz designers are finding it selfsame unchaste to use and it is already paying its investment in meter and resources. The interlingual rendition part of the engine is also a great achievement.

What have been the greatest challenges and how ingest those been overcome?

The greatest challenge so FAR was putting together all of the ideas and concepts that we have developed in the previous 3 years without sacrificing capacity. Once we begin beta examination we will see truth effects of those decisions. We terminate't wait for IT.

Your internet site indicates that Earthrise will rich person a player controlled economy. How involved volition Flag be if the economy seems imbalanced?

No economic system can be considered in permanent balance, but if there's evidence of discrepancies in the economy, our team will constitute monitoring intimately and analyzing development of the in-game market and volition step in to avoid nitpicking situations.

Is Earthrise intended to be a primarily PvP or PvE world or some sort of hybrid?

Earthrise was formed A a title that is centralised happening Player vs. Participant gameplay first, making PvP accessible and common facing pages in a world living low-level the constant threat of conflict. Players will be able to involve in personal PvP with the possibility of looting their opponents early on, and as they move on they wish make up introduced to territory conquest and besieging gameplay. Inactive, PvE is there and bequeath provide players with an engaging chronicle to involve in a world successful of many factions and organizations each with their own agendum and conflicting interests. It is safe to say that while PvE bequeath offer unnumerable hours of gameplay and information technology is second to the PvP experience, we will try to polish it to the letter.

Would you consider Earthrise to be a hard-core operating room a casual game or are there elements of both? What provisions have you made for hardcore players? And for casual players?

Dissimilar many MMO games on the market today, Earthrise strives to becharm the growing hearing of seasoned, hardcore players. Features such as looting your opponents, the extensive and complex crafting organisation, territorial dominion subjugation on a monumental exfoliation, and a player-driven economic system that poses problems for the player to solve will bring in players that are sounding for more in an MMO. Still, affair in all of those elements is not required to enjoy the game and casual players can simply become involved in the game's solo-friendly storyline or savor casual, accordant PvP duels that serve American Samoa training ground for the extensive combinational combat system.

How is it a role can continue to progress even when logged out?

Like a citizen of a developed society, player's quality will glucinium able to own a regular job and earn a steady income, even if the player is not logged on and actively playing the pun. This income goes to support a portion of the character's adventuring expenses and make it impossible for characters to go broke Eastern Samoa long as the participant finds a fit job for their character reference that fits their expertness. Characters leave be able to research and study different skills and professions, and use that noesis to unlock different jobs. Each job earns Career Experience that goes towards unlocking Achievements with contrary rewards. The tot up career live the player accumulates unlocks new and even more rewarding jobs further along.

What type of vehicles will be included?

Players will be able to buy or craft their possess vehicle in the gimpy, ranging from personal gliders to larger hovercrafts. These vehicles will be intended for transportation only. For combat purposes, players will be able to pilot mecha exoskeletons that are capable of transaction an unbelievable amount of destruction upon the opposition but expect expensive fuel to comprise effective on the field of honor.

Stool peripherals follow used in Earthrise?

Yes, we will render flexible key fruit binding and game controllers can be bound to different game actions.

Will there be a beta for Earthrise?

Yes, we plan to bulge out beta testing sometime in Fall this year

When do you call start sign ups?

IT is too early to order. Before we begin with the sign ups, we want to piss sure that the infrastructure is willing and the gage is ready to be dependable by populate outside of our team.

How long will the Beta last?

That bequeath in truth depend on how long we will need to fix bugs and some issues with the unfit.

Please add any other tidbits/teasers.

The players will meet a distribute of history during the back that dates support to the metre ahead World Warfare 3 until the emergence of the pioneers on the island of Enterra.


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