Skin Care Benefitis of Quinoa Peer Reviewed Articles


Nutrition relies on dissimilar factors, such every bit place of residence, surrounding habitat, available alimentary resources, organized religion, ethnic group, education, migration, colonization, merchandise, and the means in which food is cooked or preserved and stored, which have their origins in ethnic footprints (1). Likewise, in the terminal decades, there has been an increasing interest amongst some population sectors not merely in favoring a sustainable and healthy nutrition just also in learning the nutritional value of foodstuffs and their effects on the human body. In the industrialized earth, the concepts in nutrition are changing significantly. From a former emphasis on survival, through hunger satisfaction and, more recently, food safety, nutrient sciences at present aim at developing foods to promote well-being and health while reducing the chance of some major diseases (ii). Information technology is because of this that the nutrient industry currently faces the challenge of developing functional foodstuffs that respond to consumer tastes, needs, and demands (three) too every bit their need for learning the nutritional role of the ingredients used in their manufacture (four).

In this context, the search for functional foodstuffs appears to exist urgent. Bello (five) defines a functional product equally "any product that can be considered as a foodstuff, or office of a foodstuff, that is capable of providing health benefits, includ[ing] affliction prevention and treatment." The benefits could exist either maintenance or promotion of a country of well-existence or wellness and a reduction of the gamble of a pathologic procedure or a illness. Among functional foodstuffs, dissimilar compounds of macronutrients and micronutrients tin be found, such as carbohydrates, fats, amino acids, minerals, and vitamins.

Anthropoentomophagy refers to the consumption of edible insects. It is the human consumption of insects, an activity that has been good since the ascension of mankind in countries such as Cathay and United mexican states, whereas in other countries—particularly in Europe—it has recently been adopted and valued (half-dozen). The importance of the office of insects equally functional foodstuffs has been quantified in some respects. For example, several chemical compounds accept been quantified, such as pigments, sterols, coumarins, terpenoids, iridoids, prostaglandins, pterines, alkaloids, and quinines (vii–nine). Considering of this, insects are an important source of these compounds in the research carried out inside the alimentary industry. Yet, they have received deficient attention in the scientific loonshit (ten). For the reasons aforementioned, we considered of the manufacture of functional ice creams using the larvae of Tenebrio molitor, the mealworm, every bit the protein ingredient of involvement, in which the presence of adept-quality nutrients has been demonstrated (xi) and also because insects represent a source of functional compounds yet to be discovered (nine).

Information technology is important to bespeak out that due to the current demand for new sources of protein for human and animal nutrition, the insect T. molitor has been analyzed quite thoroughly to assess its nutritional value; thus, the state of the art in this respect is very detailed: for instance, we know that the larvae harbor 53.thirteen% protein, 36.65% fatty, iii.19% total ash, 5.10% crude fiber, and one.90% nitrogen-free extract (12).

Ravzanaadii et al. (13) published an fantabulous research paper that allows usa to explain this aspect in a brief manner: T. molitor larvae, adults, exuviae, and excreta contained 46.44, 63.34, 32.87, and 18.51% protein, respectively, and Aguilar-Miranda et al. (14) reported college protein content (58.4% for larvae).

This protein was rich in amino acids such as isoleucine, leucine, and lysine. The results showed that amino acid composition met the requirements of not only domestic animals merely also human beings: cysteine + methionine (1.xviii g/100 grand poly peptide) and phenylalanine + tyrosine (5.21 g/100 g protein). Overall, insects incorporate college amounts of lysine and threonine, but lower amounts of methionine/cysteine (15).

The total fatty content was, 7.59, iii.59, and 1.iii% for T. molitor larvae, adults, exuviae, and excreta, respectively. The mealworm larvae presented an average fatty content of, a quantity that is greater than that of locusts (21.v%) and grasshoppers (3.8%) but less than that of termites (61.1%) (16).

In fat acid composition, they have a high component of oleic acid (C18:1), linoleic acid (C18:2), and palmitic acrid (C16) in larvae, with values of 43.17, 30.23, and sixteen.72%, respectively. As well, the corporeality of ω-6 was determined to exist significant.

These essential fat acids demonstrate that insects can exist used for many other purposes such equally feeding of domestic animals and as nutrient supplements for human beings. As well, it has been reported that insects' caloric value is 50% higher than that of soybeans, corn, and beef (xv). Considerably high amounts of unsaturated fat acids in larvae, adult, exuviae, and excreta have a similar composition to those of poultry and fish.

Furthermore, larvae have among their fats lauric acrid, myristic acrid, palmitic acrid, palmitoleic acid, stearic acrid, oleic acid, and linoleic acrid (17).

In mineral composition, as in other insects, mealworm contained poor sources of calcium which were 434.59, 484.39, 801.14, and 1,537.97 mg/kg for larvae, adult, exuviae, and excreta, respectively. Even when the calcium content is considerably depression in mealworm, information technology contains instead high levels of P (18).

Therefore, in terms of nutritional content, edible insects (grasshoppers, crickets, termites, ants, beetle larvae, moth caterpillars, and pupae) have been stated to take more than of it when compared to other conventional foods.

There will be a huge economical change involved if insects become more than ordinarily considered as an acceptable food source for both human being beings and domestic livestock in industrial countries (fifteen).

Insects accept potentially been used as a human nutrient source in traditional nutrient among indigenous people throughout history (15). Insects represent 5–x% of animal protein source and also supply fats, calories, vitamins, and minerals among some ethnic groups (12, nineteen). Furthermore, as an attractive and important natural food source, insects accept been used past diverse kinds of animals, such as birds, lizards, snakes, amphibians, fish, insectivores, and other mammals (20). They are ordinarily encouraged to be sold live, yet they are too sold canned, dried, or powdered; powdered larva is a high-grade particular considered as an enhancement to conventional foods (21).

The production and innovation of food based on insects have get a trend in contempo years, and in many parts of the world, it is something completely normal; such is the instance in Federal republic of germany, Belgium, Brussels, Costa rica, Espana, and Holland, among others. In the Netherlands and Prc, insects are used as food ingredients and are progressively viewed every bit an selection for meat (22).

Insects have an excellent nutritional value, and their flavor is also fabled; that is to say, they are fifty-fifty a delicacy; mealworm is widely used in various types of foods, for example, with the larvae, ice creams were prepared at the insect experience festival in Wageningen, The Netherlands (23).

Also, with Tenebrio, van Huis et al. (23) reported a wide variety of recipes among which include "triangles," bitterbug bites, bugsitgoreng, nutty mealworms, quick meatballs, flower power salad, pumpkin soup, minestrone, tagliatelle with creamy herb sauce, ravioli, hakunamatata, chukli con carne, chop suey, jambalaya, insect burgers, vol-au-vent, quiche, chebugschichiu, pizza, buglasva, and tarte tatin.

For the aforementioned reasons, in this aspect, it is clear that the future of nutrient lies in insects and in the innovation of new, healthy, nutritious, and delicious products.

Every bit regards ice cream and its importance, nosotros can begin by pointing out that ice cream is defined by its composition and construction: information technology is a frozen foodstuff that, in full general, is manufactured using dairy products such as milk or cream mixed with fruit or other ingredients, forth with sugar, flavorings, sweeteners or honey, and stabilizing substances (24). To manufacture high-quality ice cream, it is essential to have excellent ingredients and a mixture that is formulated and well-balanced to provide an adequate function between each ingredient in guild to obtain organoleptic properties that may be to the liking of the consumers. All of this is primal for the physicochemical backdrop of the product. On the other manus, ice cream has been considered equally a dessert, that is, with minimal nutritional value. However, it has recently been reported that milk and fruit-based ice cream has a fundamental alimentary value (25).

As to the full general characteristics of the ingredients, the nutritional value of edible insects in United mexican states has been widely studied. Edible insects have been the source of 10–81% of poly peptide (26); essential and not-essential amino acids, for case, leucine (5.twenty–8.46) (chiliad/100 yard of protein) (27); vitamins, especially the ones from group B such as thiamine (0.08–6.110) and riboflavin (0.050–three.230) (mg/100 g−1) (28); and minerals such every bit sodium (0.020–1.608), potassium (0.014–2.912), and calcium (0.040–0.224) (g/100 one thousand) (29).

In certain cases, they are rich in fats (12, 17); for case, the beetle known equally T. molitor has been used as a source of protein with different alimentary purposes throughout the globe (30). The larvae harbor up to 58 k of protein, for every 100 g of dry out weight, and 38.29 g of fats with a high content of unsaturated fatty acids (12).

Chenopodium quinoa is an almanac plant with a meridian between 1 and 2 whose seeds have a 2-mm bore. These seeds can be white, red, or black and are edible when consumed whole, having a high nutritional value (31). Fifty-fifty the FAO (32) has furthered it as a ingather with the potential to guarantee comestible food security in the 21st century (33).

Salvia hispanica is an herbaceous, almanac institute with a height of 1 or 1.5 g whose seeds measure a mean of two-mm length and of one.5-mm width (34). The oleaginous seed of this plant has a significant quantity of ω-3 fatty acids (α-linolenic acid), fiber (+thirty%), loftier-biological-value proteins, and natural antioxidants. Information technology also has essential and non-essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and dietary cobweb (35).

An antioxidant is divers as a substance that is plant in foodstuffs in our everyday life and that can forestall the adverse furnishings of reactive species on the normal physiological functions of human beings; they also filibuster the aging process (36). Quinoa seeds possess a high antioxidant activity equally they contain anthocyanins (37). Given the aforementioned facts, the objective of this research was to manufacture functional ice creams with both beast and plant products so as to enhance their nutritional (proteins, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants) value through the use of not-conventional ingredients such every bit the larvae of T. molitor, chia, and quinoa.

Materials and Methods

This research comprised iii phases.

The first 1 consisted of (a) the purchase of the ingredients for the water ice foam foundation: water (Bonafont, United mexican states City), pasteurized moo-cow'southward milk foam, powdered whole milk (Cuautitlan Izcalli, State of United mexican states), saccharide (Trademark Zulka, Monte Caucaso 915, Lomas de Chapultepec, Miguel Hidalgo, C.P. 11100 Mexico City, México), gums (carob edible bean, carboxymethyl cellulose, and carrageenan) (Cosmopolitan Drugstore, Avenida Revolución 1080 Col. Mixcoac, Benito Juárez, Mexico Urban center, Mexico), and the raw materials to provide it with flavour and functionality (strawberry, cranberry, chia and quinoa seeds); the ice cream foundation was and so left to mature for 24 h at four°C; and (b) the selection and cleansing of the insect larvae: these were obtained from the Institute of Biological science, UNAM, National Autonomous Academy of United mexican states, where they are cultured in controlled conditions at a temperature of 26–27°C and a relative humidity of 60%, beingness fed on wheat bran for a period of ninety days; the larvae were dipped in boiling water for 5 min—this was done in order to avoid them changing colour during the procedure—and afterwards they were stored in freezers at −iv°C; and (c) quinoa'southward preparation: seed conditioning achieved past boiling information technology for 10 min and drying it in a stove at 80°C for 6 h.

In the second stage, we developed four formulations for strawberry–cranberry ice cream: HCOo, which was used as a control; HT with T. molitor larvae; HTC, larvae mixed with chia; and HTQ, larvae mixed with quinoa. These were manufactured according to the specifications contained in NMX-F-714-COFOCALEC-2012 (38). 3 control batches of water ice cream HCOo of 1 kg each were made; the same was done for the experimental formulations HT, HTC, and HTQ; all the formulations were prepared on the same day and in triplicate.

Also, we chose an experimental blueprint to determine if there existed significant differences among the experimental water ice foam formulations (as a whole, not by their components) and the conventional ice cream (control ice foam) whose basic formulation was used to prepare all the ice creams, as well equally to verify if in that location was an increment in the nutrients when these were assessed past means of diverse types of chemical assay.

The substitution and inclusion of the seed (chia), pseudocereal (quinoa), and Tenebrio larvae ingredients were done with respect to the command formulation to find how the nutrients varied and to verify that the objective of the investigation was achieved.

In this instance, we considered the amount of matured water ice cream base (for the training of that quantity, the percentages expressed in the table cover the 500 g of matured ice cream base, to make 1 kg of total ice cream) and the aligning of solids with respect to the NMX-F-714-COFOCALEC-2014 standard to consider it milk ice foam.

In the third phase, we carried out the chemical analyses to elicit the chemical composition of each of the ice creams: (a) proximate chemical analyses (fats, poly peptide, dietary fiber, reducing carbohydrates, ash, and carbohydrates), (b) liposoluble and hydrosoluble vitamin determination, (c) fat acid quantification, and (d) assessment of the antioxidant known as cyanidin chloride. Strawberries, cranberries, chia, and quinoa were not analyzed; nevertheless, for chia and quinoa, we used the information from several reliable bibliographic sources published in the The states or fifty-fifty by the FAO (39). The larvae of T. molitor were in fact analyzed.

The full general process of the ice foam industry was as follows. The ingredients were weighed, mixed, and pasteurized at 68°C for xxx min. The add-on of the strawberry–cranberry pulp, seeds, and larvae compromised the aging of the foundation at 4°C/24 h, which was then whipped for 10 min and frozen at −4°C.

To carry out chemical determinations, official published and standardized methods were used: for humidity (40), nosotros determined humidity of foodstuffs by thermal treatment (the sand or gauze method); by means of the AOAC (41) procedures, we quantified fatty in ice foam and frozen desserts (952.06), protein in ice cream and frozen desserts (930.33), full dietary fiber in foods (985.29); by the enzymatic-gravimetric method, we adamant ash of milk (945.46); by proximate analysis of milk-based babe formulation, we determined carbohydrates (986.25); and finally, to determine reducing carbohydrates, we used the iii,5-dinitrosalicylic method.

The methods employed for the quantification of micronutrients in the manufactured formulations were the following. The mineral profile was quantified by the AOAC 985.iii method that assesses minerals in ready-to-feed milk-based infant formulations by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (Perkin Elmer Model 3110 Waltham, Massachusetts, United states of america). For the fat acid profile, we applied the gas chromatography method GC-FID (Perkin Elmer Model Motorcar Arrangement Xl Waltham, Massachusetts U.s.) (AOAC 969.33).

To assess the liposoluble vitamin profile, the method of Chotyakul et al. (42) was used. For identification and quantification, we used a vitamin A, E, D, and K stock solution with a concentration of 500 μg/ml. The calibration curve was constructed from the mix in which the vitamins ranged in an interval of 50–500 μg/ml. The vitamin limerick assay of the formulations was carried out by means of chromatogram interpretation.

To quantify hydrosoluble vitamins, nosotros used the method from Gliszczynska and Rybicka (43) and Rokayya et al. (44). For identification and quantification, we used a vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, and B12 stock solution with a concentration of 500 μg/ml. The calibration curve was synthetic from the mix in which the vitamins ranged in an interval of fifty–500 μg/ml.

For the mineral contour, we used AOAC 985.35. And for cyanidin quantification, we applied a modified method from Martínez-Cruz et al. (45); we interpreted the chromatograms and constructed the respective scale curves.

To evaluate if there were significant statistical differences betwixt the nutrients thus determined, we carried out a 1-gene assay of variance (ANOVA) between the four formulations, as well as a Dunnett test to identify which macronutrients or micronutrients bear witness variations with respect to the command ice cream. The Dunnett test is used to create conviction intervals between the mean of each cistron level and the hateful of the control group. In such a way, this test compares each formulation finding if there are any or no differences between each of them, only also with respect to the control with a conviction level of 0.05 (46).

We must initially bespeak out that all the results presented in our tables are the mean obtained from 3 repetitions (that mean had a standard deviation and a variation coefficient or error lower than 5%) and that the values in the rows with different letters point that between them there exists a significant difference; only the values of carbohydrates were obtained past difference, and in each table, the highest quantified values are indicated in bold.

Results and Discussion

Proximate Chemical Analysis

According to NMX-F-714-COFOCALEC-2012 (38), the products we manufactured were classified as "milk water ice cream" every bit they comply with the minimal physicochemical specifications required. In Table 1, the results of the proximate chemical assay are presented, upon a dry out basis of g/100 m of dry sample, since it is human food and information technology is reported in accordance with the labeling regulations in force in Mexico, NOM-051-SCFI/SSA1-2010 (47).

Table 1. Results of the proximate chemical analyses of the ice cream upon a dry out ground (g/100 g of sample).

Nosotros observed significant differences in limerick between the control ice cream and the functional formulations: these are due to the add-on of chia, quinoa, and the insect larvae. In this case, the fiber content corresponds to the formulations of elaborate ice cream, that is, to the total mixture of all the ingredients. Consequently, it does not refer to Tenebrio. In the same table, reducing carbohydrates or reducing sugars are defined as sugars that can be oxidized by weak oxidizing agents; for example, all monosaccharides are reducing sugars.


The experimental samples (HT, HTC, and HTQ) have meaning differences in their lipid contents that enhance their nutritional value and consistency, with the HTC conception being the one that shows the highest proportion by the add-on of such ingredients. Ramos-Elorduy et al. (11) mentioned that the larvae possess a lipid content of 38.29%, and chia, co-ordinate to the USDA (48), is a seed with a high lipid content of xxx.74% upon a dry footing. In this case, the FAO (49) recommends that adults swallow a minimum of xv% of their calories as lipids (33 m of lipids for a 2,000 kcal/day diet) and a maximum of 35% (78 g of lipids for a 2,000 kcal/solar day diet) to avoid affliction.

As Tabular array 1 shows, no ice foam provides more than than 9% of what is recommended by the FAO (49); that is, ice cream ingestion could complement the diet so as to reach the suggested fat percentage. When the types of lipids found in ice cream were analyzed, it was observed in Table 2 that although 65–lxx% of the full lipids were saturated, no formulation surpassed the energy of x% (22 thou of saturated lipids for a 2,000 kcal/twenty-four hours diet) that the FAO (49) defines as the maximum limit. Furthermore, all of the experimental formulations provided a significant contribution of unsaturated fat acids thanks to its ingredients.

Table ii. Results of the types of fatty acids in each conception manufactured (g FA/100 m of fresh sample).

When conveying out the study, the lipids quantified by gas chromatography are classified as saturated or unsaturated, and these are simultaneously reclassified into monounsaturated and polyunsaturated; they are added, and these are the values reported in Table 2.

In Tabular array 2, nosotros also show the results of the type of fatty acids plant in each formulation (g FA/100 g of fresh sample). The experimental formulations take a different profile to that of the control water ice cream, but we must signal out that the addition of T. molitor, chia, and quinoa—being ingredients with high levels of unsaturated fatty acids—macerated the pct of the saturated ones. The predominant fat acids in the ice creams were palmitic acid, which varied betwixt 29 and 32% and was the most arable fatty acrid in the HT and HTC formulations, and oleic acrid, which ranged from 22 to 25% and was the merely unsaturated acid present in important quantities in the experimental formulations.

The latter is due to the fact that the foundation to industry the water ice foam is made up of dairy products in which saturated fats make up seventy% of the full fatty weight, with palmitic acid existence the virtually common (l) in the results of the fat acid profile of the formulations. On the other hand, milk lipids are very poor in polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic and α-linolenic) (51). That is, the command ice cream has a very similar lipid profile to that of milk, so when quinoa, chia, and larvae are added, a significant increase was shown by linoleic acid (C18:2ω-6); this is why information technology is important to include it in the diet. Table ii also shows that the HT formulation was characterized past having a very favorable proportion of ω-6/ω-3 fatty acids. This composition can be considered an indicator of its loftier nutritional value (52).

The adequate proportion of these fatty acids, ω-vi/ω-3, tin can be considered every bit another determining gene of the high quality and nutritional value maintained in the investigated formulations (52); for example, ω-3 and ω-six assist to reduce LDL cholesterol in blood, and AGP ω-iii reduces triglyceride levels and platelet assemblage and promotes the immune response. The greatest beneficial event of this type of polyunsaturated fatty acids resides in their antiarrhythmic mechanism that improves cardiovascular diseases. In add-on, recent studies have suggested that they also play a primal function in reducing the risks derived from diseases such as type 2 diabetes or hypertension (53).

Tabular array 1 shows the proportions of protein, carbohydrates, reducing carbohydrates, dietary fiber, and ash.


This is a macronutrient, and the ice cream with added chia and quinoa showed pregnant modify with respect to HCOo. Nonetheless, the addition of larvae to the formulations had a positive bear on, as it increased its content due to the fact that larvae have a high poly peptide content (58%). When combining larvae with the seed or pseudocereal, a decrease was seen in the protein percentage, equally these last two ingredients provided a college quantity of dietary fiber, fat, and/or carbohydrates. All of the manufactured ice creams (except HCOo, 9.36%) had a greater protein content than commercial ice cream. Our manufactured water ice cream provided 7% to 10% of the protein required daily, so information technology could be considered a good dietary complement.


The addition of larvae and its combination with the seed and pseudocereal diminished the proportion of carbohydrates; HTQ ice cream was the exception. This harbored the greatest quantities of carbohydrates even in comparison to HCOo, which is due to the fact that quinoa has a proportion of starch of 53.1% (54).

Reducing Carbohydrates

In dry basis analyses, information technology was observed that only the HT formulation had significant differences compared to the command, as these sugars found in the ice foam derive from strawberries, cranberries, and milk.

Dietary Fiber

As Table ane shows, only the HTC formulation showed a pregnant departure with respect to the control ice cream, which is due to the fact that the seed provides this component and in doing so its consumption favors skillful wellness and prevents diseases (55). The ice cream we manufactured provided fifteen–25% of the RDI (Recommended Daily Ingestion) for men and 16–30% for women. That is, consuming 100 thousand of ice cream covers an of import quantity of required fiber per twenty-four hours.

In Table three, we nowadays a comparative analysis of some foods prepared with insects and examples of foods made with insects. It tin be observed that Bunaeopsis aurantiaca and Imbrasia oyemensis are rich in calories; B. aurantiaca, I. oyemensis, and Rhynchophorus phoenicis have similar protein amounts to beef; Cirina forda, wheat flour, and the different formulations of water ice foam are high in nitrogen-complimentary extract, and with respect to ash, the highest amount corresponds to C. forda.

Tabular array iii. Comparative assay of the nutritional value of ice foam with other foods made from insects and beef at a g/100 g dry out basis.

It is especially observed that cookies fabricated with R. phoenicis and wheat flour are enriched in proteins by 130%, since wheat flour simply has 10.89. In addition, there are published data that betoken out that the nutritional value of mealworm is comparable to that of beef (23); therefore, Tenebrio is ideal to enrich various types of conventional foods such equally ice cream. Furthermore, the possibility of using Tenebrio larvae equally commercial food has been demonstrated as well as evaluated to enrich various foods since they provide a high amount of trace elements, fatty acids, and vitamins.

Nosotros must emphasize the nutritional aspects, because this is an of import reason for eating insects, and according to numerous edible insect publications effectually the world, we know that enriching foods loftier in carbohydrates with proteins of insect origin with a quality comparable to those of craven, pork, or beef will be a success in the future, as in Tokyo, where they already sell them in special dispensers, so we must focus on their production without destroying ecosystems. In the instance of Mexico, numerous industries have been created, among which the following stand out: Abeja reina, Acetta, Becrikets, Bicho, Brinkos, Criks, Engrillo, Fertifrass, Gran Mitla, Gricha, In insect nutrition, Okuilli, One time run a risk, Optiprotein, Packs, Q-Kis, Sal de aquí, Santa colmena, Smart bites, Tanti, Totolines, and Zofo, which currently commercialize various products made from insects such as snacks, flours, salts, sauces, fertilizers, "totolines," and "mescal." For example, the company called Okuilli markets T. molitor larvae flour at a price of $one,150.00 per kilo, which at the exchange rate corresponds to 54 American dollars; this indicates that this activity is a business in continuous growth, both in our country and abroad, whose net earnings are significant. And in Europe, the earth's largest producer of Tenebrio is called Ynsect. This is a French company located in Dole, near Dijon in eastern France, which breeds and processes yellow mealworms, transforming them into proteins, fats, and chitin that are used in feeding fish and domestic animals and as fertilizers.

Products made from insects also offering great expectations for the pharmaceutical, chemical, and food industries.


Table four shows the mineral profile (expressed as mg/100 1000 of dry sample) of the manufactured formulations.

Table 4. Profiles of minerals and vitamins quantified in the manufactured formulations.

Calcium (Ca)

Every bit tin can exist observed, all of the formulations have significant differences in concentrations, and comparatively, HTQ showed a decrease of this mineral. In this respect, Vilcacundo and Hernández-Ledesma (59) pointed out that quinoa has a high calcium concentration, merely during the "popping" procedure which it was submitted to, it could take lost calcium. The inclusion of chia in the HTC ice cream had positive effects as it increased its calcium content; this is understandable as this seed contains six times more calcium than milk (60). The experimental HTQ and HTC ice creams only present 239.058–332.048 mg of calcium; that is, none surpasses the 90 mg of the mineral indicated by the NOM-051-SCFI/SSA1-2010 (47). This is why information technology is suggested that the diet must include other foodstuffs rich in such a mineral to comply with this requirement.

Phosphorus (P)

As shown in Table 4, with the addition of larvae, chia, and quinoa, the experimental ice cream had a pregnant increment in its phosphorus concentration. The highest values were present in the HTC and HTQ formulations since phosphorus is the second nearly arable mineral (706 mg/100 g) in their composition. The individual inclusion of larvae inside the water ice cream had a favorable response, merely in the combinations larvae/seeds and larvae/pseudocereal, the concentrations institute were college considering the combination of two ingredients loftier in phosphorus renders a foodstuff that is rich in such a mineral. Nevertheless, fifty-fifty with an increment of phosphorus in the product, the consumption of a 100-yard portion provides merely 9–12% of the RDI according to the NOM-051-SCFI/SSA1-2010. This is why we recommend the consumption of this product in the diet only as a phosphorus complement.

Sodium (Na)

In the HTC formulation, a pregnant divergence can be observed as compared to the control ice cream. Even when the literature mentions that the seed'due south sodium content is very low (61), when added to the product, a significant increase is observed, and this can be explained by the variability of the seed limerick that depends on the type of soil and climate it is cultivated in. With the aim of reducing cardiovascular disease, the WHO (62) recommends lowering sodium consumption: for adults, it suggests a daily intake beneath two% (v g of salt). As Tabular array four shows, no water ice cream surpasses the daily intake limits established by this association.

Potassium (K)

The addition of larvae, chia, and quinoa significantly increased the potassium content in all of the formulations. HTC is, among all of the formulations, the ice foam that provides the highest quantity of this mineral; to this respect, Muñoz et al. (60) pointed out that potassium is the third most abundant microelement in the seed (407 mg/100 k). On the other hand, even when the HTQ formulation presented no evident potassium increase, the of import fact is that such a mineral is nowadays in a bioavailable form (59); therefore it is considered essential in the diet. For this mineral, the WHO (63) recommends a daily intake of 351 mg; since our ice cream only provides 3–5% of this quantity, the consumption of foodstuffs rich in this mineral is recommended to meet this need.

Magnesium (Mg)

Magnesium is found in a very low concentration in the control ice cream HCOo. Nevertheless, the addition of larvae, chia, and quinoa significantly increased this mineral'south levels as compared to HCOo. In the HTC ice cream, chia was the ingredient that significantly provided the highest quantity of Mg, since this seed has a rough content of 335 mg/100 g. The NOM-051-SCFId/SSA1-2010 points out that the RDI for magnesium is 248 mg; our ice foam provides only 3–viii% of this mineral, which is why they are recommended merely as an comestible complement.

Iron (Fe)

Iron was the mineral quantified in the everyman concentration in all of the ice creams; it is found in trace quantities, and considering of this, its levels were minimal. It was observed that just with the add-on of larvae, there was no difference with respect to HCOo, but in HTC and HTQ, a significant increment was found. This is due, for instance, to chia having a high content of this mineral (7.7 mg/100 g). HTQ ice foam was the one that had the highest Fe concentration; this is because quinoa has 1,416.vii mg Iron/100 one thousand upon a dry basis. However, its content does not reach a whole milligram in the concluding product; that is, ice cream provides 25% of the RDI co-ordinate to NOM-051-SCFI/SSA1-2010, 17 mg. Therefore, we recommend the consumption of iron-rich foodstuffs to comply with this requirement.

Liposoluble Vitamins

Table 4 shows the results obtained in relation to the levels of liposoluble vitamins in the formulations upon a dry out basis.

Vitamin A (Retinol)

In this example, it was observed that all of the formulations had an increment due to the addition of the ingredients. Withal, the highest value was found in the HTC formulation, due to the fact that this vitamin is the virtually abundant in the seed with 44 μg/100 one thousand (64). That is, the combination larvae/seed achieved a synergic effect since larvae incorporate this vitamin but in a lower quantity than that in chia, which has 29 UI/100 g. A significant increase has been shown by the HTQ ice cream; it is minimal when compared to HTC, but amend than HCOo.

Co-ordinate to the FAO (49), quinoa is equanimous of retinol in a range of 0.12–0.53 mg/100 one thousand. Even so, earlier the add-on of quinoa to the ice cream, it was submitted to two thermal processes, "popping" and drying, which could have had an effect on the vitamin'due south stability, causing its oxidation. The NOM-051-SCFI/SSA1-2010 points out that the RDI for vitamin A is 568 μg; as observed in Table four, the HTC product complies with such a requirement, compared to the HCOo, HT, and HTQ formulations, which merely provided 66–69% of retinol.

Vitamin D (Calciferol)

In this research, the highest concentrations were found in the ice cream to which chia had been added (HTC). Nevertheless, for the ice foam added with quinoa, a high content of vitamin D was also obtained. The NOM-051-SCFI/SSA1-2010 indicates an RDI of 5.half-dozen μg; as can exist seen, all of the ice creams surpassed this figure, only the occasional consumption of these water ice creams would not affect consumers' health.

Vitamin E (α-Tocopherol)

Information technology was quantified in a high proportion in the formulations, as they showed a higher quantity than the control ice cream. Nonetheless, when only larvae were added, the increment of vitamin E was minimal, which is due to the fact that larvae take very depression concentrations of this vitamin (1.9 mg/100 thousand) as compared to chia and quinoa (65). On the other paw, when chia was added, nosotros saw a higher increase of vitamin E in HTC, because of the large amount of this vitamin in chia (23,842.7 mg/100 g) (60).

Quinoa is besides an abundant source of vitamin E, whose concentration ranges from 3.7 to 6.0 mg/100 1000; yet, when the pseudocereal is mixed with the larvae, vitamin East concentration diminishes because—as both ingredients have low levels of tocopherols—the combination of both dilutes them. The NOM-051-SCFI/SSA1-2010 points out that according to the RDI of vitamin Eastward, one must consume 11 mg of it. As Table 4 shows, our water ice cream provides nine–36% of that vitamin, and therefore, the consumption of complementary foodstuffs with tocopherol content is recommended.

Vitamin Grand (Phylloquinone)

In Tabular array 4, it is observed that the quantity of vitamin One thousand that HTC and HTQ provide is due to the add-on of chia and quinoa and that comparatively the larvae provide a minimal proportion, given that when HT was analyzed, its concentration could non be quantified. NOM-051-SCFI/SSA1-2010 indicates an RDI of 78 μg. As Table 4 shows, the ice foam in which this vitamin was quantified complies with such a requirement, only—since these products are recommended as dietary complements—excess consumption does not pose any wellness risks.

Hydrosoluble Vitamins

In Tabular array iv, we present the concentration of hydrosoluble vitamins found in the formulations upon a sample of mg/100 g dry ground.

Thiamine (B1)

All of the experimental formulations showed a meaning increment. However, HTC is the one that provides the highest quantity of this vitamin, because, every bit Muñoz et al. (threescore) take reported, chia has an important thiamine content (0.62 mg/100 g). Nosotros must point out that even when larvae were the ones that contributed less to this enrichment, they acted in synergy with the chia seed. On the other hand, the addition of quinoa too favored a thiamine increase in the ice cream of up to 15%, which is due to the fact that quinoa harbors a concentration of 0.4 mg/100 1000 of vitamin B1 (66). All of the ice creams comply with the RDI established by the NOM-051-SCFI/SSA1-2010: 800 μg; that is, the consumption of a portion of 100 g of whatsoever of them volition meet the daily requirement of this vitamin.

Riboflavin (B2)

The results in Table iv show that a pregnant increase occurred in all of the formulations. In the same way, it was observed that larvae are the ones that provide the highest quantity of B2 in the products, and when combined with quinoa, the formulation'due south enrichment is even higher. This is due to the fact that the larvae take ane.21 mg/100 yard of riboflavin, and quinoa has 0.39 mg/100 chiliad (65, 66), and so that, when the ii ingredients are combined, a synergy occurs resulting in an increase of vitamin B2 of upwards to 14% as compared to the command formulation. Meanwhile, in the HTC sample, we quantified a lower level, since chia merely provides 0.17 mg/100 1000 of this vitamin.

Niacin (B3)

Niacin was the vitamin that had the highest concentrations in the ice foam, even in the command formulation, since milk contains tryptophan—which is considered niacin's precursor—in a significant quantity: 7 mg/g protein. According to Table iv, when larvae and the seed were mixed in the HTC, this content was reinforced up to 38%, given that chia is considered a rich source of this vitamin with a content of 8.83 mg/100 chiliad (60), and larvae comprise 4.10 mg/100 grand. In such a style, when combined, they present a synergy, with a product rich in niacin being the result. When the larvae and the pseudocereal were combined, the increase was minimal, but nonetheless higher than the quantity found in HCOo.

Folic Acid (B9)

In all of the experimental formulations, significant increases were obtained when compared with HCOo. The fortification of this vitamin in the water ice creams can be appreciated, as when an extra ingredient or their combination is incorporated, an increment of up to 87% is observed. As Table 4 shows, larvae provide the highest quantity of vitamin B9, considering, as Novak et al. (65) have mentioned, these possess a concentration of 137 mg/100 g. In the aforementioned style, information technology can be observed that when larvae are combined with the seed, the amount of folic acid increases up to 128% with respect to the control ice cream.

Cobalamin (B12)

Table iv shows that cobalamin was the vitamin quantified in the lowest concentration in the water ice cream, HT being the one that had the highest quantity. On the other mitt, when larvae were included in HTC and HTQ, since its content is minimal (0.30 μg 100 chiliad−1), there was a subtract as compared to that of the HCOo; that is, the larvae favored only a dilution of this vitamin in the formulations. Unfortunately, there are no data about the quantity of this vitamin in these ingredients that would enable us to draw a quantitative comparison. Notwithstanding this situation, the quantities of B12 in the water ice creams effectively cover the RDI of two.1 μg (0.0021 mg) that the NOM-051-SCFI/SSA1-2010 recommends.


In Tables 5, 6 and Effigy 1, we present the concentrations of cyanidin chloride quantified in the dissimilar ice creams upon a dry basis. The content of cyanidin in the four formulations derives from the strawberries and cranberries that requite the ice cream their flavor. The table shows that there were significant differences as compared to HCOo. The formulations with the highest concentrations of anthocyanins were HT and HTC. The latter had the highest levels of anthocyanins, which could be due to the quantity of antioxidants found in the seed, caffeic acrid (6.6 mg/100 thou), and chlorogenic acrid (seven.1 mg/100 g), which, in turn, increases cyanidin's stability (64). On the other hand, even when the pseudocereal is an abundant source of antioxidants (66), HTQ had a lower concentration of cyanidin. This is due to the process of "popping" and drying to which quinoa was submitted and which fabricated it lose its antioxidant activeness and, thus, its cyanidin concentration, given that it becomes unstable in the presence of oxygen.

Table 5. Composition of the four formulations (%).

Table 6. Cyanidin chloride concentration upon a dry ground of the formulations.

Figure 1. Cyanidin chloride calibration bend.

Strengths and Weaknesses

In this instance, the nutritional value of the water ice creams prepared with insect addition was improved in macronutrients and micronutrients, as compared to the control batch. Therefore, in this research, we focus on the potential awarding of ice creams with diverse functional properties.

The results shown with the experimental batches of water ice cream are an of import contribution in the elaboration of nutritious and functional foods in the future (67).

Likewise, every bit the yellow mealworm is an organism with a short life cycle whose cultivation is simple, it has been developed on an industrial scale, for example, in Europe. It is also widely known that various foods prepared with the larvae of the yellow mealworm are consumed directly after their culinary preparation; for case, technological innovations include the evolution of nutritional bars and bread, and diverse high-quality foodstuffs can be obtained to see diverse needs of both human and pet animals such every bit dogs and cats, existence also beneficial to the growth and development of poultry and livestock. It is mostly believed that it tin provide a good bargain of comprehensive and rich nutrients (68) and tin too exist made into common and processed foods. Predictably, new deep processed foods, such as jam, beverages, vinegar, and wine, along with pulverisation, capsules, and tablets, will be available in the marketplace, as has been washed with Clanis bilineata tsingtauica (67).

Moreover, due to the antioxidant and anti-aging activity of the larvae, corresponding components can exist extracted to develop more functional foods and could exist a suitable functional food resource for humans due to its composition of active substances.

All the same, further research is required to assess the furnishings of preparation on foodstuffs when the larvae of this beetle are added; it is necessary to deport out statistical sensory analyses, compare shelf life characteristics, and, in the case of ice creams, set them according to the dietary needs of the people who consume them, for example, diabetics, considering their age, weight, gender, height, occupational activity, etc. It would too be necessary to establish a business concern plan and increase production on a larger scale to be able to commercialize the water ice creams at the national and international markets.

Likewise, to know the nutritional value of some edible insects and several conventional foods, statistical models chosen Ofcom and the Nutrient Value Score (NVS) have been used, as well as non-parametric tests and Bonferroni adjustments to verify nutritional differences. Of the available insects studied, the ones that are commercially important are Bombyx mori, Imbrasia belina, R. phoenicis (Fabricius, 1801), T. molitor Linnaeus, 1758, Acheta domesticus (Linnaeus, 1758), and Apis mellifera; they were compared with beef, pork, and chicken. Details of the methods are found in Payne et al. (69).

According to the Ofcom model, insects are non healthier than meat products, and with the results of the NVS method, crickets and xanthous worms are significantly healthier than beef and chicken.

In this publication, it is reported that crickets and bees are richer in fe compared to beef, pork, and craven and higher in calcium and riboflavin than meat and meat offal, just there is no indication that the insects investigated are statistically healthier than meat. Nonetheless, their results are not conclusive at this time and should therefore exist treated with reserve.

In any example, the nutritional quality of the insects studied is "relatively" unimportant since in the daily diet through the utilize of mixed diets, the phenomenon of complementation/supplementation between different proteins occurs. Nutrient supplementation is a concept used to blueprint diets or foods in which different sources of protein are mixed in guild to ameliorate the quality of the resulting combination.


The 3 formulations—HT, HTC, and HTQ—showed a noteworthy augmentation in the previously examined macronutrients and micronutrients in comparison to the control conception. Afterward a thorough examination, information technology could be observed that the HTC formulation has proven to be the all-time one due to containing the upmost values of essential nutrients such as protein, fatty, dietary fiber, ash, minerals, cyanidin, and vitamins. Co-ordinate to the formulations of the ice creams made, the corporeality of protein increased by 41%; that is, these larvae are ideal to enrich various types of conventional foods such as ice cream, and this will exist a success in the future. Likewise, water ice creams improved significantly in fatty acids, vitamins (A, East, B2, B3, and B9), and minerals (phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and antioxidants); therefore, the larvae have a loftier potential to supplement conventional foods.

To sum up, we tin conclude by maxim that the importance of creating new formulations of functional food water ice foam lies non but in its nutritional value merely likewise in the functional macronutrients and micronutrients, which, all in all, effectively prevent any sort of disease.

For the aforementioned reasons, the food industry is looking for alternative nutritional sources such equally insects, for the elaboration of products; such is the example of the nutraceutical ice creams analyzed and the poly peptide enrichment of various conventional foods, amid which we have "jungle bars," cookies, tortillas, cakes, chocolates, and sausages. At nowadays, diverse foods fabricated with T. molitor larvae such as ice cream are a novel and emerging nutrient industry. Therefore, information technology may be developed every bit a sustainable source of alternative resource for man consumption and widely used in many other investigations such as beast feeding and the elaboration of some functional foods.

The benefits of using insects every bit human food are diverse; moreover, based upon this premise, we can claim that insects have a high potential of becoming a new sector in the constantly innovative food industry of Mexico.

Data Availability Statement

The raw information supporting the conclusions of this article will be made available past the authors, without undue reservation.

Author Contributions

All authors listed have fabricated a substantial, direct, and intellectual contribution to the work and approved information technology for publication.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of whatever commercial or financial relationships that could be construed every bit a potential conflict of involvement.

Publisher's Note

All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product that may exist evaluated in this article, or claim that may be fabricated by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed past the publisher.


The authors are grateful to the experts of the Section of Publications of the Faculty of Veterinarian Medicine and Zootechnics of UNAM., Appy Ling. Elizabeth Sarmiento de la Huerta and Veterinarian Zootechnician Silvia Maria Ibáñez Zavala, for the revision of the translation and the correction of the style, and to graphic designer Noé Malerva P. for his support in optimizing the respective tables, graphics, and chromatograms.

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